[ That’s what we need in the White House, dammit! ]
I’m looking for the meanest SOB I can find.. as President..
Obama is a SOB also but thats because his mother was a “B”..
Newt is an SOB because hes sneaky, crafty, and a backstabbing icehole..
Pretty whats needed to handle democrats.. Oh! and RINOs..
So is Romney! [^)
I like to think Newt would be a front-stabbing icehole.
Godspeed Newt.
This is the secret that is clearly out in the open. The major attraction to Newt Gingrich is that he has a history of being a fighter for conservative causes and he actually does fight, warts and all! I liken him to Lincoln's selection of that irreverent, cigar-smoking, hard-drinking, foul-mouthed general, U.S. Grant. He fights, by Pete's sake, he fights!