There is another way to look at South Carolina and Florida, but no one seems to want to consider it. Santorum’s win in Iowa began to give him momentum. Then, before South Carolina, Palin and the other heavyweights came out with the “Vote for Newt in South Carolina, or Romney wins” meme. Without that, Santorum could have easily emerged then as the alternative to Romney. Instead, Gingrich arrogantly squandered the chance by taking Florida for granted. People are switching back to their first choice.
So much of what you think you know just isn’t so.
I disagree. Newt tried to fight for Florida. He had a war campaign against him with 17 to 1 negative ads. Non stop brutal ads. Michael Reagan and Newt did campaign here in which gave him a second place finish. Drudge caused a lot of damage with his hit postings. Newt could had set up better ground work but he didn’t/ also, the financial backing matched to Romney was a minus. He tried but couldn’t get it together at the end. No leader of the grassroots talking to his team at the final day, I know. When people have confidence, as liberals say, they are of arrogance. To me, it’s strength.