I don't know Adelson's views on this. ??
Also, "sources" are saying that Adelson really wants Mitt, so he's backing Newt! Odd that. But I still haven't gotten any names for those comments....
What struck me was Santorum's comment about setting "limitations" because people don't always make good choices. That leads me to the question, "Who should make those choices?"
I don’t know Adelson’s views on online, either.
But in my mind it’s Rick’s views that count...let’s say Adelson does oppose it online, for business reasons.
But Rick is opposed to gambling, period, for moral and societal reasons.
I, too, am opposed to gambling but I have been outvoted. That’s something I can’t overcome, can I?
Rick would overcome it, if he had the ability.
Online or anywhere.
On another post I asked if he might make an exception for Catholic bingo...