We have to think we did this before— a strong social conservative George W. Bush was and look what happened to him. He came from the outside and fell weak to the libs. We put people on a pedestal that no mortal can obtain, I am afraid. I still think a warrior is the best method to have a chance of any reform. Rick is a nice guy and not Obama warrior material. Once they get rid of Newt ( Super Tuesday, they hope) and Rick, (after that) smooth sailing for Mitt. Newt is the biggest threat. Rick, isn’t. I know people here get mad when that is posted. Newt has it to make it, if not, it’s Mitt’s. The ruling class thought this would be over by Florida. Now, they need to take out the last 2 like they rigged the CPAC poll and Maine wins for Romney. Yes, it was rigged when the CPAC spokesman (not an independent group) gave Romney the win. Duh My sister said, Newt had a lot of support and those low numbers for him were crazy. She said some of the boos came from Newt’s supporters and Rick’s. We need someone to fight the ruling power. I am waiting/hoping to see if that happens.
I totally agree with you on all counts. It’s obvious how effective Newt would be by how deeply the Left, media and RINO establishment hate him. An earlier posting made sense, about the large number of Dems who’re voting in these elections for Santorum.
Newt really needs our support to beat Mitt.