Santorum is the lesser of evils. Palin would have been ideal, and probably the only conservative in the field at this point if she would have run. But it is what it is, so let’s hope for President Santorum and Secretary of State Palin, shall we?
Two Words - Brokered Convention.
Palin is letting the nominees self-destruct, throwing enough hints about supporting Gingrich to keep Romney from locking in the nomination. The HBO hit piece movie (Game Change) was probably timed to sink her nomination; with her not running it will draw a yawn from the media and be old news by the convention. Then she will step forward and be the only candidate not damaged by the nomination fight.
About time for the media attack machine to start on Santorum - if we are lucky they will try to make hay of his daughter's health as a reason he can't concentrate on the Presidency. That might backfire ....
I like Gingrich. I believe he is the only one smart enough to save us. Santorum might make a good VP and I would like
Bolton for SOS.