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To: FresnoRobert

Everyone knows about Newt. He has been in the public’s eye since 1978 and has been thoroughly vetted. Plus he has embraced the TEA Party.

Santorum criticized the TEA Party at CPAC last year. He is a big government guy, has never admitted that all those meeting he’s had with K Street lobbyists were wrong, and is as much a conservative as any pro-life Democrat.

““You look at someone who was speaker of the House, and again, these are friends, I know they are good people, but when Newt was speaker of the House, well, within three years the conservatives within the House of Representatives tried to throw him out, and in the fourth year they did. Why? Because he wasn’t governing as a conservative,” Santorum said. “He didn’t live up to all the hype.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gingrich became Speaker of the House and the Democrats went nuts! He moved to put cuts in the budget, which meant less pork and earmarks for constituents. For the first time in a very long time the Republicans actually had to govern and take responsibility.

The 1998 budget was scheduled for a $1 Billion cut and congress saw the gravy train leaving the station. No more getting rich at the public’s expense.

So it became “get rid of Newt Gingrich” even to the extent of manufacturing lies about him. Those phony ethics charges that were ALL dropped, but the media continues to smear him year after year after year. As does Rick Santorum.

The worst part of it is that Gingrich mentored Santorum when he first arrived in Washington as a new Representative. Rick stabbed Gingrich in the back. He was part of the coup.

“We were the ones standing up and fighting,” Santorum said. “I was the go-to guy.”

Senator Lindsy Graham said that is a lie, that Satntorum was never central to the coup. He is trying to take credit for something he never did. It’s called “puffery”, a lie about one’s role in an event in an attempt to look important.

Senator Santorum was part of the ongoing problem of business as usual in Washignton, D.C. Under a Republican president (George W. Bush), they added over $3 trillion to the federal deficit, shunned conservative policy in favor of Beltway influence-peddling, and so damaged the GOP brand that we lost the majority Gingrich had worked years to forge.

What’s even worse, he’s not to be trusted. I’ve been fooled by guys like Santorum; never again. He is dishonest.

15 posted on 02/11/2012 6:32:46 PM PST by SatinDoll (NO FOREIGN NATIONALS AS OUR U.S.A. PRESIDENT)
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To: SatinDoll

Your post5 is packed with known falsehoods. The critisism of the Tea party you cite is one. Rick critisized ELEMENTS within the Tea Party which were Libertarian, advocated the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, legalization of drugs, abandonment of social isses and the like. If you repeat the lie someone else spreads after knowing the truth you becpme a liar. Now you know, so there is no need to repeat it. This lie began with a heavily edited video that was put out origonally by Ron Paul’s campaign.

Rick was one of the key player in congress. He was a stalwart for life. Newt has been on the wrong side of a huge amount of issues and the fact is most people don’t know his record. Rick’s record compares very well and both have made bad votes. Did you know:

Fact: National Taxpayers Union (NTU) issued a congressional scorecard for Gingrich’s record on economic issues. From 1979-98, Gingrich had an average score of 61% (with 100% being a perfect score on supporting lower taxes and limited government).
1968 - He worked for Nelson Rockefeller’s 1968 presidential campaign against Richard Nixon.
5/16/79 – He voted for the Alaska Lands Bill, locking up 68 million aces as untouchable “wilderness”.
6/28/79 – He voted FOR the windfall profits tax on oil companies, a proposal of Jimmy Carter.
9/27/1979 – He voted yes on forming the Federal Department of Education. This was a vote for bigger and more federal control of government.
10/23/79 Voted FOR Jimmy Carter’s gas rationing plan. This was a vote for federal control of the free market.
12/18/1979 – He voted for the Chrysler bailout proposed by Jimmy Carter. Another example of meddling with the free market.
6/12/1890 – He voted against states controlling insurance regulations and for expanded federal control.
12/16/1981 – He voted to temporarily raise taxes on coal producers during the energy crisis.
12/6/1982 – He voted for a 5 cent increase in the gasoline tax.
6/26/1984 – He voted to strengthen control and increase federal regulations on water.
He voted to raise the national debt ceiling in 1979, 1980, 1981 & 1984.
In 1984, he supported a $50 billion tax bill that eliminated a tax break on interest income, increased cigarette taxes, and raised taxes on distilled liquor.
10/26/1984 – He voted for Title IX and age discrimination changes to the 1964 Civil Rights Act with a specific exclusion for black Universities and colleges.
04/02/1987 – He cosponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine. The doctrine was an attempt to silence critics in the media and have the government determine a balance of viewpoints in media.
12/17/87-He voted for $307milion for continuation of the Endangered Species Act. This haunts us to this day.
3/28/90 – He voted to elevate Environmental Protection Agency to Cabinet-level status. A vote for more and bigger government.
5/23/90 – He voted for the badly misnamed Clean Air bill. An environmentalist’s dream.
7/26/90 - He voted no on a resolution by Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-CA) to expel Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) for felony criminal offenses related to his homosexual activities.
3/21/91 – He voted for $40 billion for the unconstitutional bailout of failed savings and loan institutions.
6/26/91 – He voted for $52.6 billion for agriculture program subsidies, and food stamps.
10/5/92 – He voted for $66.5 billion for housing and community development grants.
In 1992, the House banking scandal revealed that Gingrich has run 22 overdrafts on his checking account, and this in spite of having voted himself a huge pay raise and having a taxpayer-provided, chauffeur-driven car.
10/22/1991 – He voted for an amendment that would create a National Police Corps.
March 1993 – He Voted for sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.
11/19/1993 – He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act
In fact, Gingrich, fast-tracked NAFTA and GATT through Congress, in December of 1994, as a gift to Clinton, shortly before a new Republican Congress which would have likely defeated the treaties took control.
9/22/94 – He voted for $250.6 billion in appropriations for the Departments of Labor, HHS, and Education.
11/27/1994 – He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.
04/25/1996 – Voted for the single largest increase in Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion).
04/10/1995 – He voted for a bill that also supported Federal tax dollars being spent on abortions.
In 1996 he voted for the Lautenberg gun ban which was supported by the Brady Campaign against guns. These changes in the law gave the right to strip second amendment rights for certain misdemeanors. He vocally defended the Lautenberg gun ban on Meet the Press in September of 1996. Because of this, he received a “D” rating from Gun Owners of America (GOA) that year.
01/22/1997 – Congress gave him a $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.
In 1998, he derided a group of House conservatives by calling them the “the perfectionist caucus” for opposing a 4,000-page omnibus spending bill, adding that “those of us who have grown up and matured in this process understand after the last four years that we have to work together on big issues.”
In 2003, when he urged “every conservative member of Congress” to support the Medicare drug benefit bill. He called it the “most important reorganization of our nation’s healthcare system since the original Medicare Bill of 1965.” The drug benefit now costs taxpayers over $60 billion a year and has almost $16 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
11/29/2006 – He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. He called for a “serious debate about the 1st Amendment.”
In the mid-2000s, he partnered with then-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) to promote a centrist solution to fixing the nation’s health care system.

In 2006, he wrote these quotes:
“Finally, Congress should tie education funding to school accountability. The No Child Left Behind law is making it blaringly obvious just how many schools are crippling and destroying children. We should save the children. Congress should require school systems to institute metrics-based performance standards in order to receive federal funding to ensure that every child is getting the education that they deserve.”
“Every conservative member of Congress should vote for this Medicare bill. It is the most important reorganization of our nation’s healthcare system since the original Medicare Bill of 1965 and the largest and most positive change in direction for the health system in 60 years for people over 65.”
“Congress should allow seniors to get the drugs they need by adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.”
Gingrich strongly supported Medicare Part D, and in a 2006 op-ed lauded the virtues of it during the first year of its implementation.
02/15/2007 – He supported Bush’s proposal for mandatory carbon caps. More global warming crap.
04/17/2008 – Made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi on Climate Change.
In late 2008, when he backed the $700 billion Wall Street bailout. While he was initially opposed to it, he “reluctantly” endorsed it when successful passage was uncertain in Congress and it looked like it may fail.
in his 2008 book “Real Change”, Gingrich advocated an individual mandate for health insurance. A similar mandate is central to ObamaCare and is being challenged by 26 states in court as being unconstitutional. Gingrich wrote then: “[I]ndividuals are expected to help pay for their care. Everyone should be required to have coverage.”
10/01/2008 – Says in an article he authored that TARP was a “workout, not a bailout.”
12/08/2008 – He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac as a consultant. His pay came from their lobbying division. Freddie and Fannie typically hired powerful politicians in both parties to purchase their silence on desperately needed mortgage reform.
In the 2009 special election for Congress in New York’s 23rd district, Gingrich was outspoken in his support of liberal Republican nominee Dede Scozzafava, up to the moment she finally quit the race after conservatives had rallied behind Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman. Long after most prominent conservatives had endorsed Hoffman, Gingrich held firm in his advocacy for a liberal candidate who supported Obama’s stimulus plan and the pro-union “card check” proposal, among other bad positions.
In that NY-23 race, for instance, Gingrich went so far as to attack conservatives who supported Hoffman (whom Gingrich belatedly endorsed himself), saying: “So I say to my conservative friends who suddenly decided that whether they’re from Minnesota or Alaska or Texas, they know more than the upstate New York Republicans? I don’t think so.”
Gingrich also aggressively supported and campaigned for liberal Congressman Wayne Gilchrist (R-MD) when he faced a conservative challenge from current Congressman Andy Harris who won in the primary.
In 2006, Gingrich also backed liberal Congressman Joe Schwarz (R-MI) when he was challenged by the conservative candidate, Congressman Tim Walberg who won in the primary.
01/30/2011 – He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans. More support of ethanol subsidies.
02/15/2011 – His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating “a new endowment for conservation and the environment.”
03/09/2011 – He blames his pattern of infidelity on working too hard. He said “There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.”
03/15/2011 – Says in a radio interview that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico, Canada and on the whole, some in the US.
03/19/2011 – Says he has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)
04/25/2011 – It was reported that Newt Gingrich earned some $600,000 over several years as a consultant to a major ethanol lobbying group that promoted ethanol subsidies.
08/01/2011 – He said: “I have six times as many Twitter followers as all the other candidates combined, but it didn’t count because if it counted I’d still be a candidate; since I can’t be a candidate that can’t count.” — Newt Gingrich, was complaining that the press was ignoring his prodigious Twitter following, which had numbered over 1.3 million people. More than 90% of those followers, however, turned out to be fake and the result of Gingrich’s campaign hiring a firm to boost his follower count by creating dummy accounts en masse.
2011 – He criticized a House GOP plan introduced by Paul Ryan to restructure Medicare entitlements as “right-wing social engineering”. This undercut a serious conservative proposal to rein in debt and spending.
2011 - Gingrich’s proposes a local “citizens” panel which could provide a form of legal amnesty to some illegal immigrants now in the country. This would effectively grant local jurisdictions like San Francisco the ability to permanently grant amnesty, a huge step forward from their current ability as non-enforcement zones for illegal immigration.
Gingrich said of himself;
“While I am a Republican leader in the Congress, I do not believe Republicans or the Congress have a monopoly on solving problems and helping America make the transformation necessary to enter the Third Wave information revolution. Democratic mayors like Norquist in Milwaukee and Rendel in Philadelphia are making real breakthroughs at the city level. Some of the best of Vice President Gore’s efforts to reinvent government nibble in the right direction...”
“I have enormous personal ambition. I want to shift the entire planet. And I’m doing it. I am now a famous person. I represent real power.”
“I’m not a natural leader. I’m too intellectual; I’m too abstract; I think too much.”

17 posted on 02/11/2012 6:48:56 PM PST by FresnoRobert (When born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, it's reversed.)
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To: SatinDoll

I find your slander of Santorum while excusing Newt’s own recent “mistakes” amusing. However, his the revision of his own history while in congress is becoming Romney-esque...

Gun Owners of America: Newt Ain’t Great on 2nd Amendment Rights, Broke His Promise to America

And yet the MYTH continues...

18 posted on 02/11/2012 7:00:26 PM PST by RasterMaster ("Towering genius disdains a beaten path." - Abraham Lincoln)
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