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To: Ozymandias Ghost
Well first of all you need to see the LDS for what it is at the top's not a religion it's a institution/corporation with a political agenda.

On a religious level....and as with many cults who use Christian verbiage etc. to recruit members, and then utilize a “steps” program of qualifying for membership....followed by be;ieve and devotion only to their too is the LDS programs of “initiation”. Thus they lay claim to being the “only” true religion....which is on mark to all cultism practices and why the Christian community has never accepted LDS as a Christian organization or church.

Even their leadership has proclaimed the Christ they serve is not the same Christ of Christianity. And the LDS went into major damage control once that cat was out of the bag.

LDS is a counterfeit religion....make no mistake about that. But the problem with Romney is that he is basically one of their “high Priests”.....would you vote for a catholic bishop or priest for President? Of course not.

It does matter what our President's beliefs are....I would prefer an atheist as President rather than a cults leader.

Further Romney is not who people would be voting will be the leadership of the LDS and they will determine how this country will go...Romney will simply comply.

42 posted on 02/10/2012 10:12:57 AM PST by caww
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To: caww
What I have been trying to express is that, regardless of your or my views about the Mormon Church, we are both determined to stop Romney at all costs. As I see it, “getting down in the weeds” about Mormons is a strategy that misses the central issues; therefore, it is better to concentrate our arguments on the Constitutional issues and Romney's weak, liberal record than his religion.

Take care,


51 posted on 02/10/2012 10:47:54 AM PST by Ozymandias Ghost
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