Well, the US also put MeK/MKO on its terrorist list back in Bill Clinton days (around 1997, some 20 yrs after MeK ceased any ‘terrorist’ activities aimed at the US), mainly because the Islamic Republic (Mullahs’ regime) demanded it and Clinton administration tried to appease & bargain with Mullah Khatami (”reformist” president of IRI). What did the US gain by doing so?
>>>”If ya wanna say the US is wrong for putting them on the list, thats a different debate,”<<<
What I am saying is the US already recognizes & has continuously tried to negotiate with & appease a Terrorist Regime, which is in charge of the entire country of Iran. Perhaps, after 32 yrs the US is now high time for the US gov’t to quit kissing mullahs’ butt, or throwing them a lifeline (even indirectly).