Not necessarily. Either Gingrich or Santorum would have to give up after the first ballot and I don't see that happening unless one or the other has a commanding lead and gets something in exchange (i.e., the VP slot).
Unless someone gets a majority on the second ballot, then there are no winners or losers on the second ballot. They keep voting until someone gets the necessary majority. In between ballots they gather in chewing gum filled rooms (since smoking is now prohibited in most convention centers)and make back room deals.
Heh, is chewing tobacco permitted?
I actually disagree to an extent on the V.P. deal. I am almost sure Newt would agree to take the V.P. slot with Rick if he goes into the convention with less delegates than Rick. He’s a pragmatist at heart. Rick, on the other hand, is more of an idealist. The fact that he even attempted to run in the 2006 Senate race shows he’s willing to drive himself over a cliff for a longshot chance. But Newt might be able to reason with him, especially if Rick has far less delegates.
The danger of Newt being ahead of Rick going in though, is that Mitt will also be trying to court Rick aggressively to cut a deal to be his V.P. If Rick believes what he said this week that Mitt is the least electable of the bunch, then he’d be more likely to cut the deal with Newt. And if there’s truly already been an “arrangement” behind-the-scenes between Rick and Newt, then this may already have been decided.
I believe the base would be ecstatic with a Newt/Rick or Rick/Newt ticket. If the base has the power to influence the way this thing comes out, that’s what I think we’d see out of a brokered.