My first dog was given to my brother and me when I was about five years old, he was an amazing mix of Collie and German Shepherd. We grew watermelons for market most summers and that dog loved watermelon! These were not the puny little melons in the stores now, they were from thirty five pounds on up and he would consume most of one by himself.
A side trip down memory lane....Where I grew up, many of the farmers grew watermelons for market as well.
Nothing tastes better on a hot summer day than a fresh watermelon right off the vine. (We had permission as long as we did not bust them on the road)
This was back in the day when we could go out to play in the morning, come home for lunch, go back out and come home when we heard the car horn blow.
We had woods, we had watermelons and we had bubbling springs. Ahhhh!! Life was good.
I miss that dog!! She was a good loyal friend!!