To: MamaTexan
It DOES NOT MATTER what any SCOTUS ruling says, if said ruling was based on the citizenship requirements in place at that time, and those requirements were later altered by Congress -—
Just as Madison, Father of the Constitution, said that Congress had the power to do!
Natural Born Citizen means CITIZEN AT BIRTH, based on the laws in place at the time of birth.
To: Kansas58
What does natural mean?
Why did the Founders remove born a citizen and replace with natural born Citizen?
To: Kansas58
What does natural mean?
To: Kansas58
Pay close attention...who are parents of different Kinds? What does it say..."born of parents of two different nations'
To: Kansas58
It DOES NOT MATTER what any SCOTUS ruling says, if said ruling was based on the citizenship requirements in place at that time, and those requirements were later altered by Congress -Since Congress can only enact legislation pertaining to naturalization, per Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization...), how could Congress pass legislation concerning a natural born citizen and then alter that legislation later, as you state, when it was never empowered to do so?
Aren't those "altered requirements" you're talking about merely changes to legislation previously enacted by Congress?
122 posted on
02/06/2012 8:37:52 PM PST by
(Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
To: Kansas58
It DOES NOT MATTER what any SCOTUS ruling says That's odd, since Malihi based a good part of his argument on it.
Just as Madison, Father of the Constitution, said that Congress had the power to do!
Source, please.
196 posted on
02/07/2012 6:24:26 AM PST by
(I am a ~Person~ as created by the Law of Nature, not a 'person' as created by the laws of Man) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson