Posted on 02/06/2012 5:57:12 AM PST by safetysign
This year another advertisement entered a crowded field, without pomp but predicated on real-world circumstanceChryslers Halftime in America, featuring a weathered but resolute Clint Eastwood. He isnt exactly selling anything in the spot, which is filmed to resemble a political ad if it were produced by Paul Haggis (Eastwoods collaborator on Million Dollar Baby and the director of Crash). Instead, he aims to jolt, then scold, but ultimately soothe the viewer. First seen walking from the shadows of a hazy football game, he hunches his shoulders walks with a tired grace. Speaking in a voice so gravelly you could walk across it, he declaims that the American auto industrys primary focus has been compromised by the fog, division, discord and blame, but America knows how to come from behind to win.
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It’s halftime in America.
It’s morning in America.
Talk about borrowing.
It's a Honda.
Epic fail for a libertarian, shilling for a company that is relying on gubbermint handouts.
I take comfort in knowing the unions will loot it all away, causing GM’s eventual collapse anyway.
“It’s a Honda.”
I’m on my second CRV. I may die before it does.
My explorer has 230,000 on it.
It replaced a windstar that finally rusted out at 270,000. (engine was still strong)
GM drove itself into the ground. It should have been allowed to die.
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