To: null and void; SunkenCiv
If I recall correctly from a TV show on Discovery or Green Planet, there’s a lab in Scandinavia that has done groundbreaking work collecting sample cores of tree rings from all over the world and relating the rings to worldwide climate changes and known events.
26 posted on
02/04/2012 7:46:35 AM PST by
(You're just jealous because the Voices talk only to me.)
To: wildbill; SunkenCiv
"If I recall correctly from a TV show on Discovery or Green Planet, theres a lab in Scandinavia that has done groundbreaking work collecting sample cores of tree rings from all over the world and relating the rings to worldwide climate changes and known events. "It's probably this guy.
A controversy over Baillie's data. See here:
Climate Sceptic Wins Landmark Data Victory 'For Price Of A Stamp'
"Belfast ecologist forced to hand over tree-ring data describes order from information commission as a 'staggering injustice'
29 posted on
02/04/2012 8:18:58 AM PST by
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