I wonder why somebody hasn’t invented (maybe I just did) a noise cancellation system to get rid of the noise? Seems pretty simple to me...
A microphone picks up the noise a short distance from the turbine. amplify it and shift the phase 180 degrees and the problem is solved. That’s basically the way the noise cancellation headsets work
It is much easier to cancel noise right at the human ear than it is at the source of the noise.
But even that wouldn’t work well since infra-sound vibrates the body and organs. It can cause eyeballs to resonate and can cause people to see ghost-like images.
Trouble is that the canceling sound waveform will not match up in all directions of travel from the source. This will result in destructive interference where sound is diminished and conversely areas where the sounds don't cancel and you hear both; or worse you begin to hear a really annoying harmonic.