Is this a Tea Party message, Reagan's message?
Reagan was great at identifying with Everyman, but he never pitted the classes against each other. He understood the winning politics of growth and how to tie the aspirations of average earners with those more successful. His was a message of opportunity and optimism...
Good details in the article from nearly a month ago; more from Kimberely Strassel: Romney and Santorum class-warfare for middle-class
What about the John Galt class?
So what do you think Gingrich means when he talks about “incentivizing” flex fuel vehicles?
Its either a special tax break or a subsidy for a specific industry.
BTW, people who work at Walmart are paying little if anything in taxes anyway. (and I’m actually fine with that because they’re the working “poor”.)
My sister has worked at Walmart for more than a decade and her tax rebate adds up to what she pays in.
Actually, the article is wrong, zero corporate income tax would benefit everyone (not that I want a Romney/Santorum or Romney anything ticket.)
Sure there is an opening but Obama is beating them to the door. The white WORKING class want to have a job with enough income to support a family, buy a home, educate their kids, able to see a doctor when sick and put money aside so they don't have to retire eating dog food.
How should the working class view the GOP that thinks their union is evil and their exporting jobs raises Wall Street values? Romney makes more in a day while campaigning than they make in a year busting their arse.
Yes, Reagan Democrats supported the GOP when the GOP supported them. Conserving the working class should be the main aim of conservatives.
I will vote for Santurum. To understand Rombama, you have to understand Mormonism, which even 90% ov Mormons fail too.
But Romney is held in awe by the majority of Mormons because he is a Temple Mormon, a Bishop at the top of the ladder of the Secret Society.
I hope more voters read “The God Makers” very soon. Our future depends on an educated Electorate!
There’s something else that most readers are uneducated and ignorant about. Both have been culturally steeped in romanticism (feminism, etc.).
As revenues continue to shrink, and government spending, to expand and enlarge, they’ll destroy the next class of families then help to take everything from them: the upper-middle class families. Here’s some information about the folks currently controlling politics in both parties.
Americas Ruling Class And the Perils of Revolution
The Fragmenting of the New Class Elites, or, Downward Mobility
Environmentalism and the Leisure Class