"I bet you $10,000 that my bought
maid, here, absolutely supports my mandated RomneyCARE AND deathpanels,
and especially the fact that Romneycare cost the Bay State 18,313 jobs;
drove up total health insurance costs in Massachusetts by $4.311 billion;
collapsed disposable income per person by $376; and
even reduced investment in Massachusetts by $25.06 million.
My robotic tart-twit even supports my coverup of the BIG DIG
AND my backstabbing of GOP candidates through surrogates,
(heck, the wench even jumps right in to attack them
for me!!!!).
She especially LOVES my personal imposition of gay marriage by
my personal order under improper Executive Authority,
my support of TARP, and Sharia and other antiConstitutional agendae,
and my bribing of Officials with a promise of future positions.
She loves my Teams abuse of women GOP candidates
and their helpless children,
and even my making money from the 911 Victory Mosque.
These are truly things, like our abuse of dogs,
that make this mindless vessel and me 'conservative'."