He backed away from that quickly. I think he was getting desperate for something new to throw at Romney; a mistake, but it had become a free-for-all. Not excusing it but it doesn't make him a liberal.
I heard him defend it on Kudlow to the point of embarrassment. More than a mistake. Major revelation of something really ugly to me.
Don’t think Romney is a shoe-in.
He can’t get half the delegates.
He can’t get half the delegates.
He can’t get half the delegates.
....46 states to go !
Not a mistake at all. He backed away quickly because he did not have the money to press that line of attack yet, and it wasn’t the time or place. That seed has been planted, though and anybody that thinks Romney is not vulnerable there has been listening to way too much Limbaugh and Kudlow.
Can I just say somthing, and maybe you can figure it out, because I can’t... I probably converted 300 people over to Newt in Florida leading up to today... they were mostly young, military, parents and seniors... not real young college, but some postgrad types... even a few paultards; not one of them, had any issue with newt’s anticapital bain stuff... and frankly, neither did I... there are excesses in Capitalism that are really ugly and greedy... that doesn’t make all of it bad, or that the mealy parts shouldn’t be spoken about.
I was so surprised to find out how capitalism is the holy grail of conservatism, and no one shall speak ill of it at all. I understand from listening to Mark Levin, how it is the mainstay of liberty, but no man and no earthly instutution is perfect, and actually a lot of people reacted positively to Newt taking on Romney’s ugly business dealings, and then were more open to listening to him otherwise... I mean some dems, also... so don’t know what’s up with that..