That’s not exactly a widely known issue. I would say well less than 1% of the electorate consider that an issue because they don’t even know about fact that was first I’ve heard of what you just outlined in that great of detail.
Bishop Romney and Mormonism is a nuclear bomb that the media is keeping on the shelf for right now, it is wild beyond your imagination.
Mitt Romney himself, will become a GOD, an actual God with worshipers and followers and a planet to rule over, he will be polygamous as God, his wife’s after life will be decided by Mitt, he can choose to allow her to enter in to the after life, or not. Mitt’s wives will be producing celestial children for Mitt.
I guess you know that as a Priest, religious teacher, missionary, counselor, Bishop, Stake President, and expected to become higher in the church, Mitt Romney, taught the religion’s racist theology until about a year after the movie “Star Wars’ came out, the year “Animal House” was released.
I think that against a Chicago trained, black President, some of this may come up, you know, just a little bit.
The idea that Santorum’s people would choose a, radically pro-gay, passionatly pro-abortion, anti-Christian cult leader over a born again Catholic convert from an indifferent Christian back ground, seems too incredible to believe.