I’m getting really, really tired of being told I’m too “emotional”! What the hell?? Faux News talking points! Just like Dick the toe sucker Morris saying Newt supporters will get over it and like lemmings or sheep, follow Mitt blindly over the cliff. I fell for that BS with McCain. Never again. The GOPe and libtards hand picked Mittens to shove down our throats. Well, my gag reflex is very strong and I’m spitting him right back in their faces!! So, you betcha I’m emotional! And angry. And determined. You go ahead and be a good little lamb and meek and unemotionally vote for whomever you are told to. I will never again do that. Sorry.
Not a chance, you loathsome bloated toad...c'mon, Dick...gimme a 'ribit'...good boy.