I’m sick of watching good people abandoning institution after institution to leftist infiltrators. Stand your ground and win back the Party instead of leaving in disgust and surrendering control in the mistaken belief you’ll somehow be successful winning back the nation when you’re clearly not willing to do what it takes to win back your own party.
You don’t win the war by conceding battles.
Very true.
I am a born again Christian I will never vote for Romney because I can’t Jesus comes first and Romney is a high ranking member of a church who has blasphemed him by saying he had multiple wives and deny his divinity
There is a difference between a party that neglects your issues and a party that is openly and actively hostile towards your issues.
I’m not saying give up. Fight like cats and dogs and rabid bearcats to get the nomination for Newt and then to make him president.
But if the party elite manage to force Romney on us, I can promise you he will move to the left in the general and declare war on conservatives. He can’t afford to leave us standing if he gets in the Whitehouse, he will need allies in the House and Senate. If it is Romney, conservatism is in danger.