The charge of racism works because of the stupidity of the Obama voter. Put them in a wilderness and watch them slowly succumb to nature’s harsh reality. They need Obama’s big government to survive.
I saw him in the Democrat debates 8 years ago ~ he was by far the smartest one on the stage.
Still, he has problems dealing with character. He choses his friends poorly and ends up holding the poop end of the stick ~ and doesn't even realize it!
He only said that because he hates women.
‘Sharpton is a huge racist so everything looks like racism to him.”
Is the skin of black people naturally thinner than that of whites? Which part of Obama did Brewer feel “threatened” by-the black half or the white half?/sarcasm;)
Actually I detect sexism on the part of Sharpton... I mean the nerve of that uppity woman telling a man his business, after all!!!!