Thanks for admitting to the logical errors of conflating issues and appeal to authority.
But I will answer anyway, since I'm in such a fine mood.
Mark Levin castigates those who say Obama wasn't born here, and therefore needs to be impeached. I don't hold with that, either, since
a) Obama already holds the office, and
b) Obama isn't a natural-born citizen, which holds constitutional priority over how pretty his birth certificate is.
The 2012 election is another chance. If Obama is not an NBC, he should not be on any state ballot for President, and if elected in that state, should not be certified by the Secretary of State for that state. End of story.
Tables have tops. We could call these tops, tops of tables. Each table has only one top. Each top only belongs to one table. According to birther logic, each top must have 2 tables.
1 top of table + 1 top of table = tops of tables.
1 child of citizen + 1 child of citizen = children of citizens.
Each citizen child does not require 2 citizen parents any more than each table top requires two tables.