Yeah, I understand the Orly Taitz part.
I’m interested in the other 2 cases.
There were several good synopsis posted yesterday.
From what I remember:
Lawyers were called into chamber for about twenty minutes and the judge told them he would issue a default judment and advise the SoS not to put O on the ballot. They agreed there would be an abridged presentation in order to get testamony and exhibits on the record.
When they returned to the courtroom the gentle in the first two cases were sworn in and proved to be voters in GA.
Then they presented pages of OB book and documentation proving that Sr was his father showing that his father was never a citizen. They also noted the case history that show what a NBC is and highlighted the qualifying part of the contitution.
About all I remember, Dad read it and said they had covered their bases. (He practiced for over fifty years and clerked in the federal court system as a young man)