To: Biblebelter
Mitt responds God Bless You, I'm a Mormon and I wear magic underwear. --
To: Cboldt
Mitt: Providence = Joseph Smith
To: Cboldt
Wow! Again Romney seems to have a well prepared answer...this time to the religion question. He even seems to have gained a little knowledge about the history of the founding fathers and the role of religion .. sort of like steeling Newts thunder. No doubt in my mind he had the opportunity to rehearse some of these questions.
To: Cboldt
-- Mitt responds God Bless You, I'm a Mormon and I wear magic underwear. -- Bachmann's response: "Hi, welcome to the USA, my name is Michelle, I'm not from Poor-Too Rico, but I do have 23 foster children." is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson