To: blaquebyrd
Newt showed a pair on the palestinian question.
1,471 posted on
01/26/2012 6:58:54 PM PST by
(The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
To: mylife
Ok, I've been to Israel, the Air Force sent me there, and and yes they have issues. But dammit I want to hear about my country! I'm tired of having to pretend that whatever happens in the ME is more important than what happens in Detroit, Waco or Tempe. Let's take care of home and then and only then waste/spend my hard earned tax dollars policing the world.
To: mylife
Newt showed a pair on the palestinian question.Notice how Wolf presented the question to Romney..."Lets ask Gov. Romney first of all what would you say to Abraham?" Afterwards Wolf then follows with "Thank you Governor"
Newt's Turn...Wolf prefaces the question "Speaker Gingrich you got into a little hot water when you said the Palestinians were an invented people" Newt nails the answer and Wolf interrupts the audience applause with..."Lets go to Miami"
Fair???? This crap was going on all night! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson