I support (significant) across-the-board import tariffs.
100% on everything imported. No other rules, regulations or government.
Let the market decide. Just remove the incentive to destroy American jobs, and the problem will solve itself, simply by the decisions American consumers make.
Remove the incentive to outsource US jobs.
Then let the market fix things.
We agree except I would start import tariffs low, say at 5%, then slowly raise them say 5% a year. I would like the Free Traitors squirm a little first rather than burn them alive.
100% on everything imported. No other rules, regulations or government.”
Just where exactly do you think the money raised from “tariffs” would go?
The correct answer is “to the government”, which will then use the money to further increase the size and scope of government. The government will continue to grow the nanny state, determining winners and losers as they see fit in their infinite wisdom.
Before you argue that the tariffs would be used to reduce the national debt or lower taxes to somehow benefit U.S. workers, history clearly demonstrates that never happens.
Imposing a 100% tax on imported goods won't improve profits for U.S. companies, it will only reduce them because already there are only foreign sources for many electronic components. Reduced profits equals less return for investors, less capital for expansion, less American jobs, while at the same time raising costs to consumers of our products. It's a knee-jerk reaction at best, and not a solution.
What happens when, due to opportunity costs, et al., it is still cheaper to manufacture lots of things overseas? Will you be OK with it then? Or will you demand even more tariffs/laws?
I would support such tariffs as part of a broad tax reform package, such as a zero tax rate on American manufacturing, as Santorum proposes.