Howie now runs with the establishment blue-bloods.
His radio show is almost impossible to listen to the past few weeks since he, the Colonel, and Sandy are all Mitt, all the time. And they trash any other Repub in the field.
Howie has jumped the shark with this Primary season.
>>This is Mitts problem: He comes across in these debates as a wimp. Dudley Do-Right didnt play in South Carolina
That doesn’t sound like Mitt rumpswabbery to me. At least he’s maybe playing devil’s advocate here.
Howie is a Romneybot. I just turned off his show...again...and I’ve been a faithful listener since the Jerry Williams days. He may have zinged Mitt a little in his column, but he’s back on the air trashing Newt.
With the shabby way Howie treated Newt on his last appearance, I doubt he’ll be back.