I have to admit that the governments of my Massachusetts and Maine ancestors voted to pay a bounty for Indian scalps, and some of them probably earned that bounty - some of them were definitely killed or captured by Indians.
And I have to admit that some of my Virginia and North Carolina ancestors owned slaves, and they dispossessed Indians of their lands.
And then, so what? What human being is not descended from victors and conquerors and invaders, rapists and murderers and slavers? The miracle is that we are capable of goodness at all. What society other than our Western, Christian society has ever felt remorse for its deeds, and tried to make some amends?
I think Moore is trying to perpetuate the myth that whites were trying to eradicate all Native-Americans by deliberately exposing them to smallpox, like Ward Churchill claimed. Yeah, some were exposed to smallpox, but it was accidental.
By 1648 about 90% of the Indians had died of disease ~ at this point in time the reigning theory is they died of hanta virus (which was a recurring problem in the Americas, not something brought from the Old World).
I once read an analysis that was rather persuasive. Let's say you lined up all the Spaniards in the New World from roughly 1500 to 1600 on one side, and then you had all the Indians who'd lived here at any time in that century line up and begin marching at the Spaniards where they would be instantly chopped down (with their bodies instantly disappearing).
The Spaniards would soon be overrun and the Indians would keep on coming.
Viewed as an invasion the movement of the Old World peoples to the New World required resources that were simply not available at the time. Only the rich had boats. Virtually everyone else was poor as a church mouse. Those boats had very limited capacities, and it wouldn't be until the late 1600s until anyone figured out how to move large numbers of humans in boats across the Atlantic.
There were tens of millions of Indians. They'd been here a long time and occupied an enormous percentage of the land. They excelled in the domestication and development of fruits and vegetables.
In short they were well prepared to take advantage of the newcomers. Alas, they didn't get the chance because they were killed by one of the great plagues that periodically swept the Americas.
All of that means that Michael is more than willing to believe lies about things that never happened.
Someday he will be struck down by the viruses that live and breed in large Hoagies everywhere. He will blame it on the Olive Oil and the Greek slave masters who poisoned him.