I've also seen how being cheated on can make some folks become very bitter and a bit unbalanced; they can never seem to move on and can only see the other person as evil incarnate.
“... being cheated on can make some folks become very bitter and a bit unbalanced..”
For FOURTEEN years?! I will grant you that a man or woman may be ticked off for a while. Fourteen years is way too long to hold a grudge and try to ruin someone politically. Marianne was the initial “other woman” who is now upset that another “other woman” came along. If she is mentally unbalanced now, she’s been mentally unbalanced for a long time.
“She cheated with him on his first wife. Now she wants us to feel sorry for her?”
Over the years, I have seen this same thing happen to several female friends. They, of all people, should have been wary of the true moral character of the guys they married.
What kind of woman is this ex-wife the media is using to go after Gingrich?
This was in 1995 when they were still married.
“In 1995, when Vanity Fair magazine asked Marianne what would happen if Newt ran for president, she boasted she could derail the bid with a single TV interview.
He cant do it without me, she said. I told him if Im not in agreement, fine, its easy.
I just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything . . . I dont want him to be president, and I dont think he should be.
This is from 1999 when they were divorcing
Documents related to the divorce filed Friday in Cobb County Superior Court include a separation agreement signed by the couple and notarized in December 1987. There is no indication it was ever filed.
Browning said Marianne Gingrich called her husband on his birthday in June 1987 to tell him she was leaving him. Gingrich, he said, came back to Georgia to find his home emptied out.
Browning said the pair maintained separate residences for six years before reconciling in late 1993 or early 1994.
And this is from gunnyg: https://gunnyg.wordpress.com/2012/01/19/marianne-gingrich-investigated-by-the-fbi-gingrich-fbi-documents/
According to FBI records, Marianne Gingrich attempted to make money by selling her influence to the highest bidder. The FBI concluded that Newt was unaware of Mariannes actions. Following are excerpts from the FBI document:
[Mrs. Gingrich] stated that her relationship with her husband was purely a relationship of convenience. She told the source that she needed her husband for economic reasons, and that he needed to keep her close because she knew of all his skeletons. Source stated that after requesting [Mrs.] Gingrichs assistance in the above matter, she told him that her organization needed money. She also told source Its time for me to make money using my husband, and after we get started doing this, it will be easy.
Bennett stated that [Mrs.] Gingrich wanted for herself up front, in addition to the $550,000.00 that Bennett mentioned earlier, bringing the total up front payment to 1 million 50 thousand dollars.
further logical investigation, including consensual monitoring, will be conducted to develop evidence of possible Hobbs Act, Conspiracy, and Bribery violations by BENNETT, ASH, MARIANNE GINGRICH, and as yet, unidentified federal officials.
(Excerpt) Read more at s3.documentcloud.org