” unsteady character.”
You mean like a common street thug and community organizer like Hussein Obama....?
“that definitely involves his inability to remain faithful”
Yes Obama does have the inability to remain faithful to his country and to the supreme law of the law. He deserted those things his first day if office, they didn’t fit his communist ideals...!
“because of his past positions on global warming, health mandates, immigration and his lackluster”
I agree with you all of these things are gonna be big loser for the community organizer in this election.
“which he got a no-confidence vote among his colleagues.”
Again you are correct, there are many in the democrat party that want to abondon Hussein Obama because they are afraid of all his failures. Many, many dems. are very worried about a landslide, emabarrassing defeat this go around. As they should be.
“But he can SPEAK!/sarc.”
His ability to speak want get him elected this, he has a record this time.
Of course not. Obama's a bum.
We should do much better. We don't need another unsteady President.
That's why we need to beware of electing another based on speaking ability.