My partner hunts hogs with a bow. He shot 5 last year. All dropped dead within 10 ft of the hit. I don't hunt with a bow, I think it is too iffy and the animal bleeds to death internally instead of the shock and exploding internal organs caused by a quick, clean bullet.
BTW, they are just as good, if not better, to eat and much leaner than domestic pigs as long as they are under about 200 lbs. All they eat is clean acorns, corn, and wheat shoots.
“BTW, they are just as good, if not better, to eat and much leaner than domestic pigs as long as they are under about 200 lbs. All they eat is clean acorns, corn, and wheat shoots.”
The 50 to 150ish pounders are great eating.
Part of the problem re killing the big hog with and arrow is their outer fat and muscle layers act like compresses to minimize the bleeding if the arrow goes through the hog and no vital internal organ is hit by the arrow.
The arrows my son uses are the expanding razor blade like arrow, and they leave a massive exit hole when they pass through. He has had deer and antelope drop within a few feet after they are hit. Unlike the old days when your target was the rear end of the critter, and they bled to death after running away. The meat is better with the new arrows as there is minimal lactic acid build up.