As I said before of Cain when his stuff first broke, I’ll say it again; Newt is toast.
Again, my opinion of her statements and the opinions of everyone on FR is irrelevant; this is prediction of the views of the great mass of people out there.
What matters is the electorate.
The Open Marriage thing and the divorce after the MS diagnosis will destroy him with women, pretty much all of whom will believe Marianne.
For the average person out there, particularly the average women, this will enrage them infinitely more than someone parking their money in an overseas tax shelter, etc.
The Open Marriage thing and the divorce after the MS diagnosis will destroy him with women, pretty much all of whom will believe Marianne.
Nah. I’m a woman, and it doesn’t sway me.
I agree with you. As important as the state is, the entire electorate is not comprised of South Carolina-minded voters. How will Gingrich play in Florida? Would Santorum have a better shot at PA and OH? How will Newt look against the Chicago thug commercials showing the perfect obama family against the serial adulterer? There really needs to be some kind of strategy going forward besides throwing out red meat at a debate. Perception is important.
Newts got a big problem.
Its a shame that Obamas college boys are keeping silent and that Larry Sinclair has been ignored.
Totally true, and it seems many who post here forget that, or never even consider it. I don't know if Newt is toast, but this sort of story doesn't have to affect half or more of those who might vote for him. If this affects 10% to 20% of his potential vote, then it's very significant.
It will affect the vote of some number possible Newt voters. It's of question of how many.