What you can’t handle the facts that your flip flopping, gun grabbing, Socialized Health Care pusher Mitt Romney is complete hypocrite???
Here this guy wants tax payers to pay higher taxes for Socialized Health Care. At the very same time Mitt loots a company and then dodges taxes (that he THINKS we should pay) and pays a lower tax than the middle class?
Oh but you think that’s okay right????
“At the very same time Mitt loots a company and then dodges taxes (that he THINKS we should pay) and pays a lower tax than the middle class?”
I do not support Romney because of Romneycare and his flipflopping and the fact that he is not a conservative.
But a) I disagree that he “looted” Bain and all the cartoon populist imagery you used that Bain was in the sinister business of “looting” companies wholesale and firing people and b) the class action warfare stuff that a rich guy is in a lower tax bracket than the middle class.They are in a higher income tax bracket than the middle class bracket. But most wealthy folks like Romney generate their wealth from capital gains not income which is set at 15%.Specifically, what taxes did he “dodge? Have you reviewed his return?
What you are implying is that these “fat cats” should have their taxes raised because you think they pay a lower tax bracket than the middle class.The DNC and Obama think so, too.