It’s rough when you get into an excellent university based upon grade inflation or athletic ability.
Among the politically correct we’re not supposed to bring up uncomfortable facts. I heard that somewhere recently.
The best supporting facts are the GRE test scores by undergraduate major.
Please don’t misunderstand where I am coming from. I am at Duke University and have many black friends who I hold in very high regard for their academic achievements and abilities, even in the most rigorous programs.
Newt summarized it in his speech last night, “This is about providing equal opportunity for all.” Sad to say, many of the underprivileged are not provided with the academic opportunities from pre-K through 12 and don’t have the foundation necessary to handle the rigors of some programs. Fix the system, don’t just criticize the current results. Whatever you do, don’t lower the hurdles, especially in the Duke School of Medicine which has a reputation of excellence. Do what it takes to raise the quality of entrants into the programs.