“For 24,140 BPS students (38%), English is not their first
10,040 (19%) are English-language proficient
3,260 are Former Limited English Proficient (FLEP)
11,840 are Limited English Proficient (LEP) or English
Language Learners (ELL)
All ELL students receive English language support from
highly qualified teachers of English. Approximate ELL
enrollment by program, grades K12, is:
5,810 Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) programs
460 Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
460 Two-way programs: Students whose first
language is Spanish and whose first language
is English learn together in both languages
5,110 Non-SEI: students family has opted out of all
BPS ELL programs
The five most common home languages of ELL
students are:
Spanish .......................6,590
Cape Verdean creole........900
Haitian creole..................860
BPS English language learners come from more than 40
different countries.”
SY10 enrollment is 56,340 (a decrease of 177 from
SY09 actual), including:
26,540 students in kindergartengrade 5
11,460 students in grades 6-8
18,340 students in grades 9-12
Student demographics:
39% Hispanic
37% Black
13% White
74% of BPS students are eligible to
receive free & reduced-price meals
in school (65% free, 9% reduced).
Students who dont attend the BPS1:
Of the 75,400 school-age children living in Boston,
about 18,850 (25%) do not attend Boston public
schools. They are:
47% Black
37% White
12% Hispanic
Of these students:
6,420 go to parochial schools
3,770 go to private schools
3,150 go to suburban schools through METCO
4,820 go to public charter schools
440 are placed by the BPS Special Education
Dept. in non-BPS schools