err. : you are speaking like an activist....
Our political choice is limited. M.Lepen is not the Christ ,and J.Christ was not and is not a politician but much more.
She could be our less bad choice in that next election
Voting for the lesser of two evils never turns out well.
I think Sarko is a good and decent man, an excellent administrator with enormous experience. He does his best in a system rife with corruption in a culture taken over by secular humanists long before he ever came to town.
In this context, with France in great economic peril, danger from within and without. Reforming an anachronistic system is never easy. The solution MLP offers is National Socialism aka Fascism. How did that work out for you in the past?
France has a terrible history of anti-Semitism. One cannot love the Jewish people and not support ghe existence if tge State of Israel as a
Jewish State. It’s Biblical: God to Abraham;
3.And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.