Nice try at explaining away the Sandusky child rape scandal, but as a PSU grad, I don’t buy it. Educators everywhere are well aware of the necessity to protect the students in their jurisdiction, every educator knows the responsibility to report child rape to the police. This was a cover up plain and simple. Joe Paterno either protected his own job by shutting up, or he was so uncaring that he was unworthy of the title of his position. Unless he was so senile that he didn’t care about that crap, as an old timer of a more innocent era might have looked at it, shove it under the rug and don’t bother him, he had a football franchise to run and nobody was going to tell him what to do by damn.
Didn’t sound to me like WPaCon was trying to “explain away” anything of the like? Are you? Did you know about this and are protecting this “exemplary” institution’s reputation??
I get the feeling that gays have so thoroughly infiltrated the positions of power, that Paterno figured that trying to bust Sandusky would just result in his own ouster.
The problem at Penn I think runs much deeper than Sandusky. I think there's a large ring of powerful homosexuals there who look out for each other and will gang up on anybody who dares to take action against any of them. And that they are well represented on the Board.