“Did you hear about that recent . . . uh . . . Bilderberg Group meeting in . . . what was it?
just thought you might want to know
Speaking of the Bilderbergs, Alex Jones was screaming from every rooftop that could support his weight that Rick Perry was their man. What the hell happened? These people are superhuman luciferians, couldn’t the all-seeing eye see that the man couldn’t debate his way out of wet paper bag? Since when do the illuminati hand-pick fifth place finishers?
Did you hear about that recent . . . uh . . . Bilderberg Group meeting in . . . what was it?
just thought you might want to know
Link: http://www.cnbc.com/id/43325286/Rich_Famous_and_Powerful_Converge_at_Bilderberg
The Bilderberg Group meets annually. Your link is about the 2011 annual meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland. I didn't say the video was taken last year. The video and the question related to the June 5-8, 2008 meeting of the Bilderberg Group at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia.
The point of the video is that the Bilderberg Group is just one of the many groups that is repeatedly mentioned in the New World Order conspiracies of Ron Paul in his newsletters. The newsletters he's now back to admitting he wrote part of, which looks as though it included the Bliderberger consplracy parts, because Paul follows them and thinks the Bilderbers probably talk about controlling the banking systems of the world and natural resources.
And those Bohemian Grove people who are in on the New World Order. And the Trilateralists, and the (Dr. Ron Paul's Freedom Report, April 1978, p. 3): 'facist-oriented, international banking and business interests' that are managed by the "Marxist-oriented Torrijos dictatorship' in conduction with the Marine-Midand bank partnership with the Hong Konk and Shanghai Banking Corporation, who are being subsidized by the Export-Import bank, the Agency for International Development, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, as part of a international blackmail scheme. (Paul's . . . umm . . . signature is on that particular page at the end of the article, right after he's tied the blackmail into the Singlaub firing, the Salt II treaty, and Paul Warnke's obsessions, and single page signatures aren't usual for 1978),
And there are the "Insiders (CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc.)" of the Ron Paul Newsletter, October 1990, Page 1.
I could keep going, but just read one of the books that Ron Paul wants you to buy "100, or even more" copies of:
So the Bilderberg Group meets (so does the Kiwanis Club and the Rotary Club). Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. Bilderberg's only activity is its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued."
But they could be dangerous. Ron Paul figured it out through geometric logic. The strawberries. That's when he had them.