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To: AZamericonnie; MoJo2001; All

Suzie Q
~ Johnny Rivers ~

179 posted on 01/13/2012 8:41:09 PM PST by Drumbo ("Democracy can withstand anything but democrats." - Jubal Harshaw [Robert A. Heinlein])
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To: EsmeraldaA; AZamericonnie; ConorMacNessa; Drumbo; Kathy in Alaska; MS.BEHAVIN; LUV W
Nothing makes a song writer happier than getting a TV theme because the cash register really rings. Here is how Phil Sloan tells it.

A hit TV show from England by the name of “Danger Man” was coming to America the following year (1966). CBS asked a number of publishers, probably, to come up with a 15 second theme to replace the British theme song. I wrote the guitar lick and the first few lines. My writing partner Steve Barri helped here and there on the chorus. Went to the demo studios. And I thought that was that. No, it wasn’t. Somebody thought I should do a full length instrumental of the song. So I did. Meanwhile the song was picked by CBS, and Johnny Rivers recorded the quick 15 second song for the TV show. The Ventures, the genius guitar instrumental group, heard the demo and recorded and released the song way before Rivers even had a finished song. The publishers asked me to finish the song, Rivers recorded it – not one of his favorite songs back then, but he’s happier with it now. I was honored when Hank Williams Jr. recorded it and blown away when Devo did it at a time when I really needed it. I really wish to thank all the artists who have recorded it, including Blues Traveler. It’s a wonderful feeling to meet a younger person who knows and likes that song of mine.

Johnny Rivers: “Secret Agent Man”

182 posted on 01/13/2012 8:44:06 PM PST by Publius
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