“If we conservatives are going to be victimized by the Republican Establishment threatening us with RON PAUL in order to shove MITT ROMNEY down our throats, then why cant that work in reverse?”
It could, but I don’t think it’ll happen. Traditional conservatives are too enthralled by the hot debate and too fractured to actually settle on a strategy that will help them to win. Plainly put, the traditional conservatives are leaderless. And I’m not so sure there is anyone who could emerge as a leader. The only name that comes to mind is Sarah Palin. And she apparently doesn’t want the job.
There are three broad ideological groups in the gop in my view. The traditional conservatives who are essentially leaderless, the gop-e led by mitt romney at this point and the newest group, the libertarians which are of course led by Ron and Rand Paul. The groups that have reasonably competent leadership and a strategy are going to be the ones that win. The gop-e and the libertarians have that. Traditional conservatives are going to find themselves wanting to go to the prom, but without a date.
Sarah Palin is the first name that comes to mind. But you're right, she doesn't want it and I can't say I blame her.
Truth be told, conservatives need a new party. It's been a long time since the Republican Party has represented conservatives in America and I don't see that changing soon.
You do make the point on being leaderless! I would add *moral* leadership is vacant, but to your point the traditional conservatives are without a leader.
Santorum said something interesting in South Carolina last night. He said, “if you want a leader, then lead him.” The remark hit home, although the context was about Reagan winning in the primary of SC, back before he was RONALD REAGAN. It was South Carolina where Reagan received the primal boost to become the great man revered today.