Nonsense. Rush will do whatever is good for Rush. He just signed a huge contract with Premier in 2008.
Premier syndicates George Noory, Glen Beck, Hannity....
....and Randi Rhodes and Dr Dean lefties.
You think those two are being told to hold their fire on Romney? Nonsense.
If they tried to tell Rush what to do, he'd grab their balls, and rake them over hot microphones and not let go for a week.
Rush has an empire of backchannel connections that could make Romeney a dead issue in a week if he wanted to.
[He just signed a huge contract with Premier in 2008.]
...and these people have to power to do a buy out and Rush will disappear from the air waves.
“Rush has an empire of backchannel connections that could make Romeney a dead issue in a week if he wanted to.”
Maybe this is true, but at this point something sure has Rush by the balls.
In the end—when it comes down to those things which really control you on the deepest level—there’s really no difference between the lock box like the one Hillary uses on various men in her life, and the one a person uses to store his own wealth.
Wrong. Clean Channel is owned by Bain. It was all over Twitter and the wires yesterday.