What say you, Demint lovers?
Problem is they’re either cowards or they’re bought off with Romney’s big money as past or future campaign donations. Once they think they can see who the winner’s going to be, many of them will at that point jump alongside them and say, “Hey, I was with you all along!”
You have to somewhat admire the Democrats last time for rallying their grass-roots base and bucking the establishment candidate to pick the one that truly represented their convictions, as misguided as they were. The fact that our much-vaunted Tea Party hasn’t been able to prevent the elite establishment candidate from becoming the frontrunner is an epic fail.
The various Tea Party groups ought to all get together, agree on an acceptable list of candidates, take their own private poll, and agree to uniformly endorse one candidate, whichever one wins their poll. Endorsing is the difference between having a massive influence and rendering yourself irrelevant. How they missed this opportunity is baffling.
“What say you, Demint lovers?”
A julep just won’t be the same without Demint. Guess I’ll take my bourbon neat.