To: Paleo Conservative
Plus he was 10 of 21 passing,
I hate passing stats since they don't include the ones the receivers should have caught. And in that Steelers game, his receivers did not fulfill their contract obligations.......
88 posted on
01/10/2012 2:10:52 PM PST by
Hot Tabasco
(Naugahyde is no longer available due to the Naugas being hunted to extinction.....)
To: Hot Tabasco
I hate passing stats since they don't include the ones the receivers should have caught. The bad news about Tebow (for the other teams) is that he is learning to throw to the right. Pittsburgh was not prepared for that.
110 posted on
01/10/2012 3:46:17 PM PST by
Mike Darancette
(11/06/2012: Starts "Occupy the White House")
To: Hot Tabasco
I hate passing stats since they don't include the ones the receivers should have caught. I would add that Tebow also throws a lot of balls away deliberately, to avoid a sack and many other times he throws very conservatively to avoid a turn-over. He apparently couldn't care less about his passing stats.
120 posted on
01/10/2012 6:00:23 PM PST by
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