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To: jpsb

I am sick of Alinsky tactics in every discussion. I want to know the issues, and the means to resolve them.

Nowadays you can’t elect people based on their platform, because the platform is never discussed!

99 posted on 01/09/2012 8:42:16 AM PST by hedgetrimmer
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To: hedgetrimmer
I am sick of Alinsky tactics in every discussion. I want to know the issues, and the means to resolve them. Nowadays you can’t elect people based on their platform, because the platform is never discussed!

I agree!

It does this forum, this country, no service to ignore the issues and howl ad hominems ad infinitum.

I want a candidate who will:

First and foremost, regard the sanctity of life as paramount, and do what he can to reverse the effects of Roe V. Wade. (For those who don't recall, that left the issue to the states before Roe--a serious step in the right direction.)

Who will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Who will reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government to within those Constitutional constraints, with Original Intent, not the bastardization of the Constitution many people who have distorted it clause by clause try to point to. (esp. the 'interstate commerce clause')

By so doing, the regulatory shackles placed unnecssarily on the American economy will fall away, permitting the economy to mend itself.

I want someone who will relentlessly push for the repeal of Obamacare.

Will use our military to protect our interests, to fight those wars declared by Congress.

Will call for the expulsion of those who are here illegally.

Will pursue a regulatory climate which will enable the rebuilding of our mining, refining, and manufacturing industries.

Will ardently support the RKBA and push for the repeal of gun control laws. (Where do the rest stand on that and why haven't we heard anything about that?)

Who will do away with the theater of the TSA and other agencies which are politically hobbled when it comes to doing the job they are supposedly doing, but who routinely practice unconstitutional searches.

Who will simultaneously cut waste from procurement programs and make sure our troops have the best gear and training in the world, in case we do need to defend our homeland.

Who will push for reform of 'entitlements', including the reduction in welfare, eventual elimination of social security, medicaid, and medicare, but will remove the illegal aliens from those services.

There's more, but little enough gets discussed I think I can stop there.

184 posted on 01/09/2012 7:32:39 PM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
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