That’s pretty cool, I’ve got a Hy-Gain antenna rotator on a 200 foot tower that turns a 3-element tri-band Yagi. Bought it used of course a few years ago, but it’s still working very well.
“Thats pretty cool, Ive got a Hy-Gain antenna rotator on a 200 foot tower that turns a 3-element tri-band Yagi.”
My last antenna was a HyGain TH6DXX.
I made it to “Top of the Honor roll” late 1980s, Having worked every country there was to work. DE W4EX.
My DXing ended when fire destroyed my station, as well as all of my house.
I have three HY-Gain rotors that are from the late 70’s and still turn big yagis just fine... I have three spares that I have never used. I have disassembled them and cleaned and lubed them and replaced a few parts over the years but they keep on trucking!