We have time, if if if we can avoid the media coronation ( hint: media coronation NOT in the constitution) of mitt on Tues. We can let SC happen too. At that point, all conservatives need to solidify under One Not Romney. (not counting Paul of course). We can see how the first conservative state primary turns out. But at that point, we need to put aside our favorite and vote for the one who did the best in SC: Santorum, Gingrich, and perry. Period. No mitt, no Obama.
That's how i see it. What's the rush when the stakes are so high? Wait and see which one of them shines in SC, then proceed to FL full steam ahead and call on the other two to bail on it, get behind the front runner, and help smash Romney's smart-a$$ smirk deep into the Florida Everglades muck so he'll never be seen nor heard from again.
Well, maybe we could let him crawl out to vote next November, but then he has to disappear again. ;)