Gingrich is using this “bury the power lines” because it’s a big issue in New Hampshire. Problem is, we shouldn’t have a government program to bury power lines. The lines should be buried if that makes economic sense. If it is going to cost us twice as much for energy just so we can bury some power lines, maybe not. I certainly don’t want the President deciding.
Now Stephanopolis tries to credit Obama with “appointing” the Simpson-Bowles commission, as if naming people to a panel is like actually doing something, and ignoring that Obama ignored the result of the commission.
Great new ideas by Newt. We are close to energy independence.
Why not ask a question like, “The u.s. Senate hasn’t passed a budget in almost 3 years. What will you do to get this disfunctional DEmocrat led insti,tut ions to get to work for the American public?
how bout THAT question,ABC?