Around 20 years or so ago I called a radio talk show hosted by Alan Colmes, who was ranting about abortion "rights". Don't ask me why I did that, I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway, I just asked him about when he himself begin to exist as a human being. Instead of just answering the question in a rational manner, he began literally screaming in a hideous, high-ptiched falsetto voice, pretending to be a pre-born child, in a mocking way, begging for his life: "Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!", and hung up the phone.
Vampires, of course are fictional, but you are right. I realized then that these people are very real, very insane monsters.
INSANE is the right word.
"......In the mental realm, truth is a force. In fact, it is without question the most important force. Some people -- mostly aging hippies and addle-brained youths, who represent the two main constituencies of the left, wacktivists and hedonists .....
"For those who do not experience George Bush [for instance] as a demon, it is almost impossible to understand those who do, any more than we can really understand the motivations of the Aztec. The collective mind parasite has a grammar and logic all its own, inaccessible to all but initiates into the Lie.
"You don't actually want to get that close to an intoxicating Lie of that magnitude. It's not safe. Better to observe it from a respectful distance. Otherwise, you will find yourself pulled down into a false world of counter-lying rather than simple truth. You cannot create an artificial "good demon, which is what secular leftists are trying to do when they aren't creating bad ones. Those who criticize my "negativity" toward the left probably think I am engaging in the former -- heatedly countering the lie -- when I am calmly engaged in the latter -- simply affirming the truth that Is and has always been. This is the inner meaning of "resist not evil." Resist it in the wrong way, and you come into its orbit. ...."