That comment not only got Volkmann put on leave from the school district, but also caught the attention of the U.S. Secret Service. They questioned him not long after.
If the Secret Service visited everyone who thought Obozo was an idiot, they'd have to hire so many new employees the unemployment rate would go to zero.
Many Obama critics claim Obama has some sort of plan to crack down on dissenters and have them interrogated and sent to prison or reeducation camps or something. But with Obama simultaneously gutting the military-if one is an aspiring dictator, their natural instinct is to spend more money strengthening the military-it makes one wonder he plans on doing that if he is in fact planning it. Does he think the Secret Service could go after all of the millions, tens of millions even, who dont approve of him ? Will he expect to issue written orders to American supporters to make citizens arrests and then they will just do it ?