” - - - McCains right. Whats the dif?”
Note that Romney stands to the left of McCain on the video clip. The subliminal message was powerful!
BTW, did McCain just endorse Obama? VERY Bipartisan of McCain. McCain sure didn’t show much regret for endorsing Obama, hence he may have meant to do it.
BTW, BTW, Hey Arizona! Work out a deal whereby McCain resigns this month, and the Governor appoints Joe Arpaio to finish out the rest of lame-brain Mcain’s Senate term?
“US Senator Joe Arpaio holds Senate hearings on the lack of evidence that Obama was born in the United States of America.” “McCain publishes his book on ‘The Power of Bipartisan Cave-In.” Yeah, I like those future headlines!
Sarah lives in AZ. Gov can appoint her, yea.